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What are Zygomatic Implants? How do they work?

Unlocking a Brighter Smile and Enhanced Confidence

Discover the remarkable world of zygomatic implants and how they work to revolutionize dental implant procedures. Learn about their benefits, the process, and frequently asked questions.

Introduction: Reimagining Dental Implants

Innovation has paved the way for extraordinary advancements in tooth replacement solutions in modern dentistry. Zygomatic implants stand as a testament to this progress, offering individuals with severe bone loss a renewed chance at a confident smile. This article delves into the intriguing realm of zygomatic implants, unraveling their mechanism and transformative impact on dental care.

What are Zygomatic Implants? How do they work?

Zygomatic implants, often called zygoma implants, are specialized dental implants designed for individuals who lack sufficient bone structure in their upper jaw to support traditional dental implants. They derive their name from the zygomatic bone, also known as the cheekbone, to which they are anchored. These implants are longer than traditional implants, allowing them to bypass the deficient jawbone and gain stability by anchoring into the zygomatic bone.

The Power of Zygomatic Implants

Zygomatic implants have emerged as a game-changer for individuals who were once deemed ineligible for dental implant procedures due to inadequate bone volume in their upper jaw. This innovative solution eliminates the need for complex bone grafting procedures, offering hope to those who have experienced extensive bone loss due to factors like periodontal disease or trauma.


In general, patients under 40 have a 95% success rate, while those over 40 have a success rate of about 85%.


Understanding the Procedure

Step-by-Step Breakdown

The zygomatic implant procedure involves several key steps:

1. Initial Assessment: Evaluating Bone Structure

At the outset, a comprehensive assessment takes place. The patient’s bone structure is scrutinized through a thorough examination and advanced imaging techniques. This step determines whether zygomatic implants are a suitable option based on the condition of the upper jaw.

2. Surgical Planning: Precision is Key

Detailed planning is the foundation of a successful zygomatic implant procedure. This phase involves mapping out the optimal placement of implants. Precision is crucial to ensure that critical anatomical structures are avoided and that the implants integrate seamlessly.

3. Anesthesia: Ensuring Comfort

To guarantee a painless and comfortable experience, the patient is administered either local or general anesthesia. This ensures they are at ease throughout the procedure, enhancing the overall experience.

4. Incision: Unveiling the Path

An incision is skillfully made in the gum tissue, uncovering the underlying and zygomatic bones. This step provides access to the areas where the zygomatic implants will be placed.

5. Implant Placement: Anchoring in Zygomatic Bone

Zygomatic implants are carefully inserted into the zygomatic bone, sidestepping the need for a deficient jawbone. The extended length of these implants allows them to anchor into the zygomatic bone securely.

6. Abutment Attachment: Connecting for Stability

Abutments are affixed, which act as connectors between the implants and prosthetic teeth. These abutments ensure stability and serve as the link between the implant and the final prosthetic.

7. Prosthesis Placement: Crafting a Natural Smile

The final touch involves placing customized prosthetic teeth onto the abutments. This stage brings the smile to life, recreating a natural and functional appearance. Patients experience the joy of a confident smile once again.

Benefits of Zygomatic Implants

Zygomatic implants come with a spectrum of advantages that reshape the landscape of dental care:

Minimal Bone Grafting

Zygomatic implants eliminate the need for extensive bone grafting, a stark departure from traditional implant techniques. This simplification streamlines the treatment process and significantly reduces the associated recovery time. Patients experience a quicker return to normalcy, free from the extended healing periods often required by alternative procedures.

Time Efficiency

The zygomatic implant procedure often unfolds as a single-surgery endeavor. This remarkable efficiency shortens the treatment timeline and expedites the restoration of patients’ smiles. Individuals can promptly rediscover their confident grins by minimizing the number of surgical interventions, sparing them from prolonged treatment phases.

Enhanced Comfort

Zygomatic implants redefine post-operative Comfort. Their meticulous design and surgical approach lead to reduced discomfort during the recovery phase, setting them apart from the more invasive traditional grafting procedures. Patients can enjoy a gentler recovery journey without compromising on the outcome.

Immediate Results

In select cases, the joy of immediate results awaits zygomatic implant recipients. Temporary prosthetic teeth can be placed shortly after surgery, allowing individuals to leave the clinic with a rejuvenated smile. This instantaneous transformation brings immediate gratification and sets the stage for long-lasting confidence.

Restored Confidence

The unparalleled stability and natural appearance of zygomatic implants profoundly impact self-esteem. Patients can confidently engage with the world, empowered by their revitalized smiles. This newfound confidence extends beyond aesthetics, reshaping how individuals perceive themselves and interact with others.


Q: Are these implants suitable for everyone?

A: These implants are primarily intended for individuals with significant bone loss in the upper jaw. A thorough assessment by a qualified dentist is necessary to determine eligibility.

Q: Is the procedure painful?

A: The procedure is performed under anesthesia, ensuring minimal pain during the surgery. Some discomfort may be experienced during the recovery phase.

Q: How long do these implants last?

A: With proper care and maintenance, zygomatic implants can last a lifetime. Regular dental check-ups and oral hygiene practices are essential.

Q: Are zygomatic implants more expensive than traditional implants?

A: The cost of these implants can be higher due to the complexity of the procedure and the specialized implants used. However, their transformative benefits often outweigh the initial investment.

Q: Can zygomatic implants be used for single-tooth replacement?

A: These implants are typically used for entire arch or multiple-tooth restorations. Traditional implants are recommended for single-tooth replacement.

Q: How long is the recovery period?

A: The recovery period varies from person to person. Generally, patients can expect a few weeks of initial healing, with complete integration taking several months.


Zygomatic implants have ushered in a new era of hope and possibility for individuals facing severe bone loss in their upper jaws. Their innovative design and advanced surgical techniques provide a life-changing solution that enhances dental functionality and restores self-assurance and bright smiles. If you’re seeking a reliable and effective solution to your dental woes, consider the transformative power of zygomatic implants.
