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How Do I Know if My Wisdom Tooth is Coming In?


As we grow older, our bodies go through numerous changes, including the emergence of wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, usually appear between 17 and 25. However, not everyone experiences wisdom tooth eruption in the same way. This article will explore the signs of wisdom tooth development, common problems associated with their discharge, how to manage discomfort, and the possibility of wisdom tooth extraction.

Understanding Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars located at the back of the mouth. Most people have four wisdom teeth, one in each corner of the mouth, two on the upper jaw, and two on the lower jaw. These teeth were essential for our ancestors, who had a stricter diet and needed extra chewing power. However, with advancements in our diet and dental care, wisdom teeth are no longer necessary for most people.

Signs of Wisdom Tooth Eruption

Gum Sensations

One of the initial signs that your wisdom tooth is coming in is the sensation of pressure or discomfort in the gums. This sensation is often felt behind the second molars at the back of the mouth. As the wisdom tooth starts to push through the gum tissue, it can cause mild to moderate discomfort, which can be more pronounced when chewing or applying pressure on the area.

Jaw Pain

As wisdom teeth begin to emerge, you may experience jaw pain. The pressure from the developing tooth can lead to discomfort in the jaw, especially in the area near the affected wisdom tooth. This pain can sometimes extend to the ears and the side of the face, making it a noticeable and sometimes nagging sensation.

Swelling and Redness

Swelling and redness around the area where the wisdom tooth erupts are common signs of the tooth’s development. The body’s natural response to the emerging tooth can result in localized inflammation and redness. Swelling in the gums can further contribute to discomfort and sensitivity in the affected area.

Bad Breath

When the wisdom tooth partially emerges, it can create small spaces or pockets in the gums. These spaces can be challenging to clean properly, making them prone to bacterial buildup. As a result, bad breath or halitosis may occur due to trapped food particles and bacteria around the emerging tooth.

Unpleasant Taste

In addition to bad breath, some individuals may experience an unpleasant taste or odor in their mouth when their wisdom tooth is coming in. The accumulation of food particles and bacteria in the pockets around the emerging tooth can lead to this unwelcome taste. Maintaining good oral hygiene and using mouthwash or rinsing with salt water is essential to help alleviate this issue.


In about 80 out of 100 young adults, at least one wisdom tooth stays inside the jaw.


Common Wisdom Teeth Problems

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth occur when the mouth has insufficient space for these molars to emerge fully. As a result, the teeth may remain partially or entirely trapped beneath the gum line. This condition can lead to various complications, such as pain, swelling, and infection. In severe cases, impacted wisdom teeth may cause damage to adjacent teeth or the jawbone. Dental X-rays are commonly used to identify impacted wisdom teeth.

Crowding of Teeth

When they emerge, wisdom teeth can exert pressure on the neighboring teeth. This pressure can cause crowding and misaligning of the existing teeth, leading to bite problems and potential orthodontic issues. In some cases, orthodontic treatment may be required to realign the teeth and create enough space for the wisdom teeth.

Tooth Decay

Wisdom teeth are situated at the back of the mouth, making them difficult to clean properly. Their location makes them more susceptible to food debris and plaque buildup, increasing the risk of tooth decay. Additionally, the partially erupted nature of some wisdom teeth can create hard-to-reach areas where bacteria thrive, leading to cavities and decay.

Gum Inflammation

Partially erupted wisdom teeth can create a flap of gum tissue that covers a portion of the tooth. This flap can trap food particles and bacteria, leading to gum inflammation and potential infection. The condition is known as pericoronitis, which can cause pain, swelling, and a bad taste or odor in the mouth. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits prevent and manage gum inflammation.

Cysts and Tumors

In rare instances, a fluid-filled sac known as a cyst may form around impacted wisdom teeth. This cyst can lead to the destruction of surrounding bone and tissues if left untreated. In more exceptional cases, a tumor may develop around an impacted wisdom tooth, which can cause more severe oral health problems. Regular dental check-ups and X-rays are essential for detecting such issues early on and taking appropriate measures to address them.

When Should I Expect My Wisdom Tooth?

The timing of wisdom teeth eruption varies from person to person. Some individuals may start experiencing them as early as 17, while others may not see them until their mid-20s. Dental X-rays can help determine the development and positioning of wisdom teeth.

Managing Wisdom Tooth Discomfort

Warm Saltwater Rinse

Gargling with warm salt water can help reduce inflammation and cleanse the area around the emerging wisdom tooth.

Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

Non-prescription pain relievers can provide temporary relief from wisdom tooth discomfort.

Topical Anesthetics

Using topical numbing gels can help alleviate gum soreness caused by wisdom tooth eruption.

Avoiding Hard and Chewy Foods

Soft foods can ease discomfort and prevent additional pressure on emerging wisdom teeth.

Dental Consultation

If the pain and discomfort persist or if there are concerns about wisdom tooth development, it’s essential to consult a dentist for a proper evaluation.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Extraction Procedure

In cases of impacted or problematic wisdom teeth, extraction may be recommended. The dentist will perform the extraction procedure, and in some instances, it may require surgical removal.

Recovery Period

After the extraction, following the dentist’s aftercare instructions is crucial to ensure proper healing. The recovery period typically lasts a few days to a week.

Potential Complications

While wisdom tooth extraction is generally safe, like any dental procedure, there can be potential complications. These are rare but can include infection, dry socket, or nerve injury.

Aftercare Tips

Following the extraction, the dentist will provide specific aftercare tips to reduce the risk of complications and promote healing.


Understanding the signs of wisdom teeth eruption and potential problems associated with their development can help individuals take proactive steps in managing their oral health. Regular dental check-ups and consultations with a dentist are crucial to assess the progress of wisdom teeth and address any issues promptly. Remember that every individual’s experience with wisdom teeth can differ, so seeking professional guidance is essential.


What Age Do Wisdom Teeth Come In?

The age at which wisdom teeth come in can vary, typically between 17 and 25 years old.

Can Wisdom Teeth Come in at 30?

While it is less common, wisdom teeth can still emerge in individuals in their 30s or even later.

Should I Be Concerned About Wisdom Teeth Coming In?

If wisdom teeth erupt without causing problems, there might be no cause for concern. However, regular dental check-ups are essential to monitor their development.

Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction Painful?

With modern anesthesia and techniques, wisdom tooth extraction is generally not painful. Some discomfort may be experienced during the recovery period.

How Long is the Recovery Period After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

The recovery period after wisdom tooth extraction usually lasts about one to two weeks, depending on the complexity of the extraction.
